About RiverLink Ferry

The RiverLink Ferry System provides cross river transportation between the Camden and Philadelphia Waterfronts. It provides daily transportation for visits to local attractions and all major waterfront festivals and events.

Delaware River Waterfront

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is a 501(c)(3) created in January 2009, exclusively for the benefit of the City of Philadelphia and its citizens.
  • The fundamental purpose of DRWC is to design, develop, program and maintain public amenities such as permanent and seasonal parks, trails, and streetscape improvements; transforming the waterfront into a vibrant destination for recreational, cultural, and commercial activities; for Philadelphia residents and visitors as is consistent with the goals of the Master Plan for the Central Delaware.

  • Daily programming throughout the entire year is changing the way Philadelphians experience the waterfront, and is helping to create spaces and communities that connect residents and visitors to the waterfront.

Amenities & Facts

  • The vessel is a double-ended ferry boat
  • The vessel has 2 decks; an enclosed main cabin; and a partially cover upper deck
  • Guest may bring a bike onto the ferry
  • The ferry can accommodate pets that are leashed/kenneled and well-behaved. Owners are responsible for picking up after their pets.
  • The ferry has both drink and snack vending machines onboard.

  • The ferry is certified to carry a maximum of 300 guests (regular ferry service) with ample interior and exterior seating on the main and upper deck; and a maximum of 500 guests for concert and event service.
  • No smoking is allowed onboard the ferry. This includes vapes, e-cigarettes, and hookah.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be consumed onboard the ferry. Violators will be escorted off of vessel.